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Restaurants & Activities


Anaheim, California

111,143 openings found!
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Blue Bayou Restaurant

877,831 tables found! Popular
877,831 tables found! Popular
Lunch Dinner

Cafe Orleans

465,277 tables found!
465,277 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Carnation Cafe

227,962 tables found!
227,962 tables found!
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
548,132 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Carthay Circle Restaurant

128,395 tables found!
128,395 tables found!

Disney Princess Breakfast Adventures

1,090,116 tables found!
1,090,116 tables found!

Droid Depot - Disneyland

2,221,507 openings found!
2,221,507 openings found!
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
43,715 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

GCH Craftsman Bar

167,048 tables found!
167,048 tables found!
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Goofy's Kitchen

1,003,514 tables found!
1,003,514 tables found!
Breakfast Brunch Dinner

Jazz Kitchen Coastal Grill & Patio

244,636 tables found!
244,636 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Lamplight Lounge

1,203,373 tables found!
1,203,373 tables found!
Brunch Lunch Dinner
175,746 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Napa Rose

367,310 tables found!
367,310 tables found!

Naples Ristorante e Bar

186,155 tables found!
186,155 tables found!
Brunch Lunch Dinner

Oga's Cantina at the Disneyland Resort

578,349 tables found! Popular
578,349 tables found! Popular
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Plaza Inn

590,849 tables found!
590,849 tables found!

Plaza Inn Dining Packages

19,590 tables found!
19,590 tables found!

River Belle Terrace

494,681 tables found!
494,681 tables found!
Brunch Dinner

Savi's Workshop - Disneyland

8,210,043 openings found!
8,210,043 openings found!
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
130,967 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Storytellers Cafe

912,201 tables found!
912,201 tables found!
Breakfast Brunch Dinner

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar

94,216 tables found!
94,216 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

Wine Country Trattoria

681,787 tables found!
681,787 tables found!
Lunch Dinner

World of Color Dessert Party

33,629 openings found!
33,629 openings found!